“…我的首选是修复我们现在的家,并把我们的儿子送到附近的一所私立学校。格雷格很有耐心,不爱出风头。他真的成为了我们发现搬迁是否是“正确举措”的最大盟友。他把我们正在考虑的学校的家长介绍给他们,在网上发布问题,让我们得到我们需要的答案,并在学校参观结束后与我们进行跟踪。最终,我们决定搬家……我们有三轮策略可使用,最后只需要一轮。我们的房子在5天之内就挂牌了。他是一个令人印象深刻的谈判者。我们达到了所需的价格点。 Being in Ukranian Village, my husband had always agreed that if we were to ever sell, Greg is the only realtor we would ever consider. He lives in the neighborhood and knows the area better than anyone. He knows how to market all different price points. Being a smart and strategic buyer/seller requires expertise, and Greg definitely has it."
雪琳·丹尼尔斯,在Ask Nagel Realty的Facebook页面上评论
雪琳·丹尼尔斯,在Ask Nagel Realty的Facebook页面上评论
“…我的首选是修复我们现在的家,并把我们的儿子送到附近的一所私立学校。格雷格很有耐心,不爱出风头。他真的成为了我们发现搬迁是否是“正确举措”的最大盟友。他把我们正在考虑的学校的家长介绍给他们,在网上发布问题,让我们得到我们需要的答案,并在学校参观结束后与我们进行跟踪。最终,我们决定搬家……我们有三轮策略可使用,最后只需要一轮。我们的房子在5天之内就挂牌了。他是一个令人印象深刻的谈判者。我们达到了所需的价格点。 Being in Ukranian Village, my husband had always agreed that if we were to ever sell, Greg is the only realtor we would ever consider. He lives in the neighborhood and knows the area better than anyone. He knows how to market all different price points. Being a smart and strategic buyer/seller requires expertise, and Greg definitely has it."